HomeDatabaseAAlice In ChainsSapAm I Inside

Loneliness, it shadows me
Quicker than darkness
Crawls to the surface of my skin
Visibly surrounded by it

Black is all I feel
So this is how it feels to be free?

Surrounded by empty souls
Artificial courage used
And because so, once was mine
I walk this maze alone

Black is all I feel
So this is how it feels to be free?

Man’s beside himself
Man’s below himself
Man’s behind himself
Am I inside myself?

Chaos and hate shadow me
Pain, it fills me up
Only one thing makes me feel
Missing better half of me

Black is all I feel
So this is how it feels to be free?

Man’s beside himself
Man’s below himself
Man’s behind himself
Am I inside myself?

Song name Am I Inside
Artist Alice In Chains
Album Sap
Track number 4
Year 1992
Original text by Layne Staley