- Cage
- Calamari Safari
- Caliban
- Callejon
- Calvin Scott
- Cam Cole
- Candlebox
- Cannons
- Captain PlanET
- Casper
- Cement Pond
- cEvin Key
- Charlie Sexton
- Chase & Status
- Chastity Belt
- Children Of Bodom
- Chris Isaak
- Circa Survive
- Circe Electro
- Clan of Xymox
- Clock DVA
- Clutch
- Coda
- Cold Cave
- Combichrist
- Comeback Kid
- Concrete Blonde
- Contagion
- Controlled Bleeding
- Counterparts
- Coyote Kisses
- Cranes
- Crossfade
- Crying Vessel
- Curve
- Cut Capers
- Cynthia Harrell
- Cypress Hill