HomeTranslationsAmerican EnglishKKaleko UrdangakKaleak SutanZipaio

A commercial on TV
two smiling guys
it stinks! disgusting!
A job for all life long
In exchange of dignity from those
who wants to sell our country

I am not the one who dreamed
I may be not a role model
but at least I did not become a police

Born to be guardian of our country
became a killer persecutor

Born to be guardian of our country
became a killer persecutor

New generation's heroe
example for all the preppy young people
empty brains, inflate muscles
lacks in adolescense
trying to fulfill themselves
with a weapon!

I am not the one who dreamed
I may be not a role model
but at least I did not become a police

Born to be guardian of our country
became a killer persecutor

Born to be guardian of our country
became a killer persecutor

Behind a women's protector and a montain rescuer costume
there is a horrible torturer
shame for the Basque Country

Born to be guardian of our country
became a killer persecutor

Born to be guardian of our country
became a killer persecutor

Language American English
Song name Zipaio
Artist Kaleko Urdangak
Album Kaleak Sutan
Track number 2
Year 2020
MusicBrainz ID decf7c65-807b-4e21-8595-0b2c2aa2a64c